5 Best Places to Teach English Abroad
Deciding to teach abroad is a big decision, but choosing where to teach might be an even greater decision. The world is a massive place, and the options for travel are endless. Deciding where to go, or even narrowing down the list, can be extremely overwhelming. Luckily, there are plenty of resources to help with the decision-making process. Below is a list of amazing places to consider if you’re looking to teach abroad.
5. Taiwan
In the last few years, Taiwan has come to be considered one of the best places to teach English abroad. Living costs are affordable, and the teacher pay is relatively high. Most English teachers will bring in somewhere between $1500 and $2500 a month, depending on experience and location. However, most teachers will only spend about $500-$700 per month on living expenses. In addition to a more than adequate monthly salary, most schools will offer teachers a bonus at the end of their contract. Students range from impoverished children to university scholars, and there is a high demand for teachers year-round. In fact, the current number of job openings far exceeds the number of qualified teachers, meaning that finding positions is relatively easy with the right qualifications.
4. Spain
Spain has become a popular spot for teaching English as a foreign language. The pay may not be as extravagent as some of the other locations around the world, but it will still allow you to live comfortably. Travel to and from different parts of Europe and portions of Africa is straightforward and pretty affordable from all major Spanish cities. There is a high demand for teachers in metropolitan areas like Madrid and Barcelona, but there is also significant demand in smaller and more quaint towns such as Granada. Regardless of your destination, you’ll find that Spain is a beautiful country full of history, adventure, fantastic food, endless tapas, and nightlife. It also doesn’t hurt that Spanish culture lends itself to social interaction and plenty of downtime to truly live life.
3. Kazakhstan
Although off the beaten path, Kazakhstan is another one of the best places to teach English abroad. Situated in central Asia, this vast, landlocked country has a unique culture due to its isolated location and historical ties to Russia. The snowy mountains and plentiful wildlife offer visitors and teachers an opportunity to experience something totally new. Additionally, it’s effortless to maintain a high standard of living here due to high wages and moderate living costs. Thrifty savers may be able to stash up to $3000 per month. Accommodations and reimbursed air travel a couple of times a year are included in most teacher contracts.
2. South Korea
A booming modern country that has a mix of big cities and rural landscapes, South Korea has long been a top destination for English teachers abroad. In addition to the notoriously high teaching salaries, South Korea offers a great central location that opens up travel destinations all over Asia. The quality of life is also a big draw. Numerous polls have shown that South Korea is an excellent place for both business and pleasure. Although the cost of living may be a little higher than other countries on this list, South Korea’s high salaries and large expat communities make it relatively easy for foreign teachers to adjust to life in modern Asian cities.
1. Japan
Japan has long been touted as the number one place for teaching English as a foreign language. Japanese culture heavily emphasizes the importance of education. Thus, English teachers are highly revered and respected. Students are typically eager to learn, as their families are often heavily invested in their education. Teachers in Japan also have the luxury of being fully immersed in a Japanese culture that blends tradition and history with modern technology in a unique way. Similar to South Korea, Japan boasts a large and thriving expat community that may make newcomers feel welcome despite the culture shock that is bound to occur. Job perks aren’t bad in Japan either. Many schools will offer housing reimbursement (or housing), travel reimbursement, contract bonuses, Japanese language classes, and more. Because it has such a large and thriving English teacher population, positions in Japan are more competitive than less popular countries. Having high test scores, the right amount of experience, and all the appropriate certifications will be very helpful in getting a position in the land of the rising sun.
No matter what your travel plans may be, it’s always a good idea to invest in travel insurance. This type of coverage will often cover or reimburse you for fees incurred from regular (and sometimes irregular) travel issues. Missing or delayed suitcases, trip or flight cancellation, and even medical emergencies abroad are typically part of travel insurance coverage. Paying a nominal fee either one time or annually, depending on your plan, will give you access to various types of emergency assistance abroad and give you protect your financial investment as you see the world.